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(Forming Part of the Direct Seller Application Form)
These Terms and Conditions of this contract are to be read together with the Direct Seller Application (the “Application”). They become binding if and when the Company, at its sole discretion, accepts the Application.

Direct Seller Contract / Agreement
1. The Direct Seller Application Form read with the Terms and Conditions forming part of the Direct Seller Application;
2. The Company’s Business Plan and Business Manual;
3. The Code of Ethics for Independent Distributors;
4. The Terms and Conditions for Independent Distributors;
5. The 30 days’ Return and Refund (Buy back) Policy of the Company;
The Return to Origin Policy;
The Independent Business Owner License Transfer Policy;
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs’ Guidelines, statutes, Acts

Distributorship / Direct Selling: Subject to approval on Application by the Company, the Company signs, as of the Effective Date, the applicant as a Direct Seller shall undertake to sell Company’s Products and shall become ‘Independent Distributor’ of the Company. Subsequent to the approval on Application, the Independent Distributor shall independently establish his business as ‘Independent Distributor’ of the Company by building a Sales Network of “Direct Sellers” and is eligible for purchasing Company’s products for consumption or re-sale, in compliant transparent and ethical manner.

Duration: This Contract, shall remain valid and continue to remain in full force unless terminated earlier by either Party with or without cause as given herein below in Clause 8.

Assignment and Distributorship Transfer: This Agreement shall deem to be signed in personal capacity and neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations of the Independent Distributor arising hereunder may be assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of Company. However, in case of death of the Independent Distributor, their distributorship may be transferred to the nominee registered by them with the Company subject to the provisions of License Transfer Policy.

Payments and Bank Accounts: The Company will make all payments on account of incentives, discounts, returns or refunds etc. through bank transfer in favour of and in the name of Independent Distributor as per the details provided in the Direct Seller Application or as may be used by him / her at the time of placing order with the Company, as the case may be.